Zodiac Signs
The understanding that our zodiac elements show us how we connect with ourselves and towards others, knowing how our traits play a huge part in our lives and with compatibility, emotions, motivation, and relationships.
Laws of Karma
Promotes positive thinking and actions.
The Law of Cause & Effect
The Law of Creation
The Law of Humanity
The Law of Responsibility
The Law of Connection
The Law of Focus
The Law of Giving & Hospitality
The law of Hear & Now
The Law of Change
The Law of Patience & Reward
The Law of Significance & Inspiration
Signs from the Universe
The universe always wants the best for us to help and guide us to answer our questions or any concerns, How the universe connects with us can be,
-Through a song
-A sign, poster, reg plate, or a book, etc.
-Repeating patterns or numbers
-Deja vu
You are able to ask the universe a question or concern and ask how you want to receive your answer, e.g. you wish to see a yellow car for a yes answer.
Why is living in the present important
To live in the present you become more mindful have full awareness of your life and surroundings, enjoy that very moment, reduce any stresses, feel happier, healthier, and more motivated with clear clarity, and have the understanding that the past can not be changed only the future can by living in the present.
Frequancies,Raising vibrations
When your vibration is vibrating on a high or low frequency you attract the same vibration whether it be positive or negative by staying positive you attract positive people, places, and higher positive opportunities to life as the same goes for negativity.
Negativity & Positivity
When we are in negative or positive energy this vibrates a frequency both internally and externally creating toxins within the body and externally which is known as a ripple effect within the universe sending out low or high frequencies to other energies e.g. people, animals, and, plants.
Watch your words
Words become thoughts thoughts become things, and with the words you say the universe aligns with that vibration that returns those words/thoughts back to you as you are unknowingly aware you are manifesting this, basically you are asking the universe what you want without knowing that it is what you do not want.
Affirmations are great for positive self-growth helping to re-program a healthier mindset this helps to promote positivity, strength, clear thinking, awareness, and the ability to make bold decisions, they reflect on our inner and outer selves to sustain the best highest version of ourselves.
Know that you have the power to manifest any chosen desires, having a healthy attachment with your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs when setting your true intentions carrying a high vibration then you can release your intentions and allow the energy to create its manifestation.
Knowing you have a choice/people-pleasing
When faced with a choice, a decision that benefits your own beliefs how to make a healthy conscious decision that defines your authenticity, not based on other people i.e. feeling pressured, guilty, regretful, or abandoned.
Why do we attract the same and keep repeating the same cycles?
Attracting the same job, people, and opportunities is caused by staying stagnant in the same energy constantly sending out thoughts, actions, and beliefs to the universe known for repeating alongside not learning from the lessons that have been shown, by changing your frequency you see those lessons as to then start to attract different energies completing old cycles. The universe is constantly changing nothing stays the same to promote growth we attract new abundance.
Energy blocks
Energy blockages are anything that prevents us from forward movement, These blocks can be created from the energies of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual that consist of our limited beliefs through the absorption of others, hidden traumas, and repressed emotions.
Limited beliefs
Limited beliefs are unhealthy attachments that stem from insecurities and emotional attachments These beliefs are false preventing you from pursuing your own goals this is purely a state of mind coming from an unconscious thought.
Empaths are highly sensitive people who feel a larger amount of empathy than an average person, Empaths are highly intuitive and can sense and feel others and what surrounds them, they like their own alone time and feel very comfortable, Empaths can very easily absorb energy from others that can lead them to feel drained and feel the need to recharge, crowded places can make empaths feel very uncomfortable, if an empath feels their kindness is taken for granted this can lead to a painful disappointment, empaths very easily draws people even strangers to offload their problems as they know the empath will show compassion, empaths have a high sense of smells, sounds, and sensations they can also connect to their 8 claires, empaths have a feeling that they don't fit in, they struggle with placing boundaries and have a deeper insight on seeing the world.
Manipulation can be presented by a person who isn't able to express their difficulties in identifying their wants or needs this can cause extreme confusion to the person on the receiving end this is a way of covering up the manipulators' true intentions masking a situation that is seemingly very complex and could lead to conflict.
Emotional Manipulation
Emotional manipulation feels as though mind games are being placed when confronted with a question regarding a concern on a relationship, this leaves the receiver feeling baffled and to blame this is not the case as the manipulator has placed power over wanting you to think and feel this.
Narcissistic personality disorder
NPD people hold a controlling behavior they like to convince others with a great impression on them They have to receive attention, compliments, and approvals, to be praised and admired. They thrive on the need to feel validated they lack empathy and have a belief they are more special, successful, and powerful than others there are narcissists who know they have these tendencies and can control them by placing their beliefs in a positive approach yet others see and choose to use them in a negative approach.
Narcissistic victim abuse
During and after experiencing a narcissistic relationship you may feel a whirlwind of unwanted behaviors these are:
-Loss of self-identity
-Self-doubt and guilt
-Difficulties in making decisions
-Physical aches and pains
-Digestion issues
-Blocked chakras
-Anxiety -depression
-Spiritual Awakening
Inner work
Shadow self
These are parts of us that we have disowned, rejected, repressed, and ignored that are hidden in our subconscious mind the aspects of ourselves that we are unaware of due to suppressed access to ourselves.
Shadow work is to bring the parts of our shadow self into conscious awareness to increase our awareness of the shadow itself as acceptance of our wholeness and self-love.
Inner child work
This is identifying the parts/needs of us that have not been met as children, overcoming childhood traumas, and healing those attachment wounds that we carry out through our adult life, inner child wounds can lead to abandonment, trust issues, feelings of guilt, and neglect, easily offended, needing external validation, struggles to commit and people-pleasing.
Mirror work
Mirror work is a great way to build a strong positive relationship with yourself it enables you to let go of insecurities, fear, and low self-esteem giving you a deeper connection to the inner and outer version of yourself, and boosts confidence with a strength for independence.
How important it is to validate yourself and be able to address your own needs when you are in a low vibration feeling lack and melancholy you vibrate from the subconscious mind as tend to reject or dismiss yourself, on asking and answering yourself with love you are validating yourself attaining self-awareness with acceptance.
Triggers and traumas
When you become triggered during a trauma from your past you instantly receive a shock of negative toxic energy that rushes through the body, mind and spirit the memory plays the event as the body reacts to that stored energy as your spirit becomes trapped. These triggers arise through any catalyst so that you can become aware for you to understand them and then detach.
Unhealthy attachments/letting go
We adopt unhealthy attachments from childhood through to adulthood which can be insecurities, trust, and abandonment, this is a way of attaching yourself to another for security, validation, emotional contentment fear of loss, and seeking approval from others.
Having no attachments
By letting go of your thoughts along with your emotions that had created your suffering, as you let go detach from your thoughts you will not only feel you shall see and experience huge amounts of relief with inner peace, joy and happiness, and healthier well-being.
Attract not chase
On chasing something or someone is coming from a low vibrational frequency this will only attract what you are chasing which will be low vibrational. To attract comes from authenticity to be yourself with no hidden agendas which are the right people, places situations that will find you, whatever is meant for you when you attract shall never pass you by.
When you forgive yourself and others you begin to heal and release negativity this isn't to say you forget yet forgiving is the most important start of letting go by forgiving you are giving yourself love and permission to move on with your life in a healthy mind, body and spirit this gives you the strength to have a clear focus on your future enabling you to see those were lessons for your own growth when you make peace with a person or a situation that then can no longer have control and dominates your life this takes away the power that had hold on you.
Toxins, how they affect the body, mind, and spirit
Repressed emotions and unwanted fearful thoughts create negative toxins that can drain mental energy which affects the body and could lead to health problems extreme stress adds stress to the body's hormone balance, the brain chemicals, and high blood pressure and digestive disorders. Every negative thought creates a response that reacts causing pain and preventing one from feeling healthy, chronic neck pain could indicate looking from a different perspective, hip pain signifies fear of making decisions, upper back pain is associated with heartbreak, and middle of the back pain unable to let go of the past, lower back pain is connected with stress.
Balance masculine and feminine energies.
We all embody masculine and feminine energy within us on the right side of the body holds masculinity the left side holds femininity to create the best version of ourselves we must keep these two energies in perfect balance.
On the left holds feminine energy Yin - compassionate, empathic, grounded, nurturing, intuitive, creative.
On the right holds masculine energy Yang - power, vision, dominant, goal-orientated, willpower, clarity, and focus.
When the feminine energy is blocked - feeling worthlessness, loneliness, lack of self, and unable to accept one's own skills and talents.
When the masculine energy is blocked - overgiving, self-sacrificing, unable to reveal one's true self.
Maintain your energy
Having control over how you wish to receive energy through the seven senses, every second of the day we have a choice on how we wish to see-hear-smell-taste-touch and vestibular(movement)-proprioception (body position) through one little catalyst can create the outcome to feel with happiness or to feel with sadness we have the ability to absorb positivity and to bypass negativity by just having self-awareness on how it makes us feel, as everything is energy and this flows where attention goes.
How the universe works for you, not against you.
At a point in life, we come to a huge holt where people, places, and situations are taken away from us which can cause us to feel pressured and confused as to why this is, this is the universe's way of protecting and redirecting us on to where we should no longer be as" change is the only constant"stagnant energy causes blockages theses blockages must be removed to promote change for growth and expansion the universe is constantly responding to our thoughts tapping into our energy through the frequency and vibrations we send out, this is purely divine intervention pushing us to where we should be heading with maintaining an optimistic viewpoint and to have faith and trust that the universe is fully supporting us towards our healthy desires.
Attitude of grattitude
To have an attitude of gratitude you instantly create a conscious mindset by practicing gratitude this allows you to be within the present moment, when you authentically appreciate what you have, with others and yourself you begin to see how the universe is orchestrated and how gratitude is to be returned with expressions of gratitude promotes the happiness of abundance, heightens self-esteem, heals rewiring your brain, developing gratitude furthers you toward achieving far bigger than your current position.