What is a Spiritual Ascention
A spiritual Ascension is a stage where your soul has awakened through the stages of becoming spiritually awakened, this ascension is where you have reached a higher state of consciousness your vibration can only generate on a high frequency this opens up all of your gifts and wisdom.
What is a Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual awakening is Enlightenment a stage of becoming awakened to one's new true authentic self. Reaching a higher stage of consciousness enables us to step aside to awaken our life with a new sense of being.
There are many paths to the journey of spiritual awakening from divine intervention to spontaneously. A spiritual awakening can happen suddenly with no warning this can be triggered by a major life change e.g. a trauma, a near-death experience, mental illness anxiety, depression losing your home, job, or partner.
A spiritual awakening can vary depending on the individual's shifts of awareness to the transformation of one's life having a deep understanding of inner growth and transformation brings a great sense of peace with oneness which leads to a journey of self-discovery and gain spiritual insights and truths.
The six stages of Spiritual Awakening
First stage - (Spiritual awakening) You begin to question what you once knew as your beliefs, You feel something is missing yet you can not figure it out, You feel lost and alone sad, mad, and hurt.
Second stage - (The dark night of the soul) This stage is not pleasant it is very dark the lowest part of your journey, and it can become extremely tough and painful as the soul is going through an ending for the new to begin you become totally isolated not only from the outside world also from the outer version of you the old you. Through this stage, your ego breaks down all the illusions that you thought were real, the stories you had been told and told yourself are not you, through this process you start to find your own identity.
Third stage - (Absorbance) In This stage you can feel unsure of what you want yet you do know what you do not want, you absorb yourself with spiritual information, gaining knowledge, animals, people, and places that bring you peace, comfort, and happiness, searching for the truth to who you really are shifting to a new you and what is your purpose.
Forth stage - (Soul Sessions) There is no time limit during this stage this can take months yet years to become your true authentic self, as you start to rebuild and structure within your life on which your true spirit can thrive as your soul grows to learn all about yourself you begin to experiment new techniques, strategies, guiding you to stay aligned to your true self, this can become troublesome through lots of different stages. You will find yourself unable to be unauthentic (fake) and unable to accept anything that is negative e.g. people, places, or things that don't serve your highest good through this timely stage you are releasing old unwanted energies for new energy to emerge, this stage you will spend most of your time purging lots of time alone, also you shall feel unwanted feelings-physically, emotionally, and mentally as these old energies are emerging for the new, this is the time for you to be gentle and patient with yourself.
Fifth stage - (Surrender) At this stage you are living in peace, harmony, and balance than throughout the previous stages of your spiritual awakening. This is the time to leave who you thought you were and welcome all that you are destined to be. Having purged and done so very much inner work prior to this stage you become familiar with your true self as you let go and give yourself permission to evolve you surrender to everything that is not within your nature. All that your ego had created shall fade away along with people, situations, and beliefs all that is not in alignment with your souls highest good. Now that you have trust and faith that the universe is working alongside you supporting you all the way.
Sixth stage - (Kowing your soul's purpose) Now that you are fully awakend of your true identity and have full awareness of your own divinity the expansion of your light is your soul's mission for supporting, guiding, and healing others in this world (Heed to the call of your soul's purpose).
Spontaneous Spiritual Awakening
Spontaneous awakening with having no experience of the upheaval divine intervention, yet there may be once you become spiritually awakened, you might catch yourself questioning "Is there more to life my life" If you are questioning and want to learn how to start your own spiritual awakening, I have listed a few insights that may help that resonate with you.
: You feel that there is more than this 3D world that we live in.
: You start to look inwards rather than at what is on the outer.
: You are here for your very own creation and no one else.
: You want to live your soul's purpose, not the illusion that is creating you.
: Understand that we are all connected .eg.animals, plants, and humans.
: Knowing that asking for guidance with the universe shall be provided.
: We are all energy vibrating on different frequencies at different times.
Spiritual awakenings are a lengthy journey that isn't to be rushed, through the process of reprogramming, patience, and self-love. Forgiveness is the start of the journey not only to forgive others yet to forgive yourself. Becoming mindfully meditated enables you to be still to live in the present moment.
My guidance for you through the following stages are:
- De-clutter, Inner and outer of yourself.
- Letting go, becoming conscious, are your beliefs serving you?
- Expand, Gaining new insights.
- Grounded, Gratitude, meditation.
- Self-love self-care self-awareness, Self-reflection, awakening your inner system's mental, emotional, and physical, connection to your higher power.
- Stay on your path-Knowing there is no time limit, nothing can be forced, becoming consciously aware of your journey.
Why is desire the root of all suffering?
When someone desires something that then becomes an attachment, unaware of ignorance to change by learning to understand that everything changes as nothing is permanent (i.e. money, people, society, etc) holding on to ignorance can lead us to suffer. As not living consciously aware, living on the outside of one's desires on things that we think would make us happy to feel complete and accepted, is the root of one's suffering, this is limiting your creation of happiness by becoming more unattached to one,s true self you lose on what you already have. By
viewing the outside world for one's fulfillment for validation de values yourself, happiness is not permanent it is always changing. For deserving the need of attachments to satisfy your securities you start to lose your identity as not living in your true consciousness. When a desire becomes unsatisfied we must learn to detach from our mind and body not to cling as the body responds to how we think act and feel to be consciously aware of our actions understanding that what we want is within.
Attaining desirelessness.
To attain desirelessness is to be oneself's most perfect bliss, to have total unconditional love this is the only door to the connection between your true self and the universe. To be grateful also to show gratitude. Material things that once interested you will no longer hold any interest you will feel your old ways, wants, desires, and beliefs fading away reaching through your layers of consciousness. To attain desirelessness is putting in the work by staying on your path, you may feel like you're slipping or lost and lonely this is a rebirth process as not to hold on to your old self, beliefs, and wants. When we don't know what to desire we attain desirelessness When we are spiritually connected we can experience improved relationships enhance creativity a sense of purpose and direction and deep inner peace.